Monday, July 9, 2012

Saturday, July 7th

Saturday, July 7th 

Hello!  I have finally had a few minutes to sit down and write.  Our journey here has been quite eventful so far.  We arrived in Manilla, Phillipines after spending 18 hours on two different airplanes.  We spent the night in a nice hotel and then caught a ride to the Marriott hotel where the bus picked us up.  The Marriot was a gorgeous hotel with a HUGE mall in it and a casino!  It was guarded really well.  We met a bunch of people from Project Hope while waiting for the bus.  Most of them are physicians or nurses that volunteer their own time to go on these missions.  Many of them have participated in missions on the MERCY before this trip.  The bus ride was great because we got to ride all through the city of Manilla.  It is a really big city that was very populated.  We then got to see how the people lived outside of the city.  We saw farmers working in the blazing sun and humidity.  It really looked awful to be out there.  There were a bunch of little shacks in the trees near the land they worked on, but I wasn’t sure if they lived there or just retreated there when they needed rest.  The views of the countryside were really beautiful.  After a little while, the mountains in the distance began to get bigger and more beautiful.  Unfortunately, our bus started billowing clouds of smoke about 30 minutes before reaching our destination, Subic Bay.  We had to pull over and wait for another bus to come get us.  Luckily the bus driver stopped at a great spot where we had awesome views of the mountains.  We arrived at the ship a little while later, checked in, and got settled into our bunk, or as the navy call it, our rack.  It took awhile to get our lockers set up so we spent the night getting settled in. 
The ship was on liberty our first few days so we were able to get off the ship yesterday and today to explore Subic Bay with a few of the volunteers that are also with Project Hope.  We went to a local mall and walked around to little stands where the locals were selling their hand made items.  I liked a lot of their stuff but a lot of it was too big to bring back with us so I purchased a few small items.  We walked along the shoreline and got some great pictures of the ship and some palm trees.  We then went to a mall area and ate our last meal off the ship and then we headed back on to get ready to pull away from the dock and get going on our mission to Vietnam.  It was amazing to watch the ship pull away.  As the mountains became more distant and the fog set over and the sun began to set, it was really an incredible sight to see. 
            We had our first pharmacy meeting today, July 7th when we got back to the ship.  We were given a few tours of the ship and the pharmacy so that we would be able to find places and things when needed.  I am still a little confused as to how the pharmacy operates on the ship and the difference between inpatient and outpatient.  We were given an orientation of the pharmacy personnel and what would hopefully be going on in the next few days.  Everything is uncertain right now because Vietnam is being strict as to what we are allowed to do.  Apparently they have taken away a lot of the community events that were scheduled and they won’t let us prepare the drugs prior to our arrival.  They won’t even let us bring them on the ship.  So on Tuesday, July 10th when we arrive, we will have to take a boat to the pier in order to sort the medications on land.  We are not sure who will be going yet, but we will be getting our schedules tomorrow so we will know then. 
            There are phones on the ship so that we can call home but the Internet has only been available for us in the coffee shops that are off the ship in Subic Bay.  We are trying to get our accounts set up so that we will have access on the ship now that we have left.  I didn’t sleep great the first night but that was mainly due to someone’s alarm going off at 3:45am and never turning off.  It’s a little bit like summer camp in the berthing areas, we are in really close quarters.  So far most of the people that have been on the ship have been staying in hotels in Subic Bay.  Tonight will be the first night where everyone is back on the ship so it should be interesting to see how crowded it is.  I should probably go to bed now, it has been a long day. Goodnight! (well, good morning for those back in the states) =)

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